Package org.bson

Interface BSONCallback

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Called the end of the array, and returns the completed array.
      void arrayStart()
      Signals the start of a BSON array.
      void  name)
      Signals the start of a BSON array, with its field name.
      BSONCallback createBSONCallback()
      Factory method for BSONCallbacks.
      Returns the finished top-level Document.
      void  name, byte type, byte[] data)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.BINARY value.
      void  name, byte[] data)
      this method is no longer called by the decoder
      void  name, boolean value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.BOOLEAN value.
      void  name,  code)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT value.
      void  name,  code,  scope)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE value.
      void  name, long millis)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DATE_TIME value.
      void  name,  namespace, ObjectId id)
      Invoked when BSONDecoder encountered a BsonType.DB_POINTER type field in a byte sequence.
      void  name, Decimal128 value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DECIMAL128 value.
      void  name, double value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DOUBLE value.
      void  name, int value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.INT32 value.
      void  name, long value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.INT64 value.
      void  name)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.MAX_KEY value.
      void  name)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.MIN_KEY value.
      void  name)
      Called when reading a BSON field that exists but has a null value.
      void  name, ObjectId id)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.OBJECT_ID value.
      void  name,  pattern,  flags)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION value.
      void  name,  value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.STRING value.
      void  name,  value)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.SYMBOL value.
      void  name, int time, int increment)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.TIMESTAMP value.
      void  name)
      Called when reading a field with a BsonType.UNDEFINED value.
      void  name, long part1, long part2)
      Called when reading a field with a value.
      Called at the end of the document/array, and returns this object.
      void objectStart()
      Signals the start of a BSON document, which usually maps onto some Java object.
      void  name)
      Signals the start of a BSON document, which usually maps onto some Java object.
      void reset()
      Resets the callback, clearing all state.
    • Method Detail

      • objectStart

        void objectStart()
        Signals the start of a BSON document, which usually maps onto some Java object.
        MongoDB documentation
      • objectStart

        void objectStart​( name)
        Signals the start of a BSON document, which usually maps onto some Java object.
        name - the field name of the document.
        MongoDB documentation
      • objectDone

        Called at the end of the document/array, and returns this object.
        the Object that has been read from this section of the document.
      • reset

        void reset()
        Resets the callback, clearing all state.
      • get

        Returns the finished top-level Document.
        the top level document read from the database.
      • createBSONCallback

        BSONCallback createBSONCallback()
        Factory method for BSONCallbacks.
        a new BSONCallback.
      • arrayStart

        void arrayStart()
        Signals the start of a BSON array.
        MongoDB documentation
      • arrayStart

        void arrayStart​( name)
        Signals the start of a BSON array, with its field name.
        name - the name of this array field
        MongoDB documentation
      • arrayDone

        Called the end of the array, and returns the completed array.
        an Object representing the array that has been read from this section of the document.
      • gotNull

        void gotNull​( name)
        Called when reading a BSON field that exists but has a null value.
        name - the name of the field
        See Also:
      • gotMinKey

        void gotMinKey​( name)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.MIN_KEY value.
        name - the name of the field
      • gotMaxKey

        void gotMaxKey​( name)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.MAX_KEY value.
        name - the name of the field
      • gotBoolean

        void gotBoolean​( name,
                        boolean value)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.BOOLEAN value.
        name - the name of the field
        value - the field's value
      • gotDouble

        void gotDouble​( name,
                       double value)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DOUBLE value.
        name - the name of the field
        value - the field's value
      • gotDecimal128

        void gotDecimal128​( name,
                           Decimal128 value)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DECIMAL128 value.
        name - the field name
        value - the Decimal128 field value
        Since server release
      • gotInt

        void gotInt​( name,
                    int value)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.INT32 value.
        name - the name of the field
        value - the field's value
      • gotLong

        void gotLong​( name,
                     long value)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.INT64 value.
        name - the name of the field
        value - the field's value
      • gotDate

        void gotDate​( name,
                     long millis)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.DATE_TIME value.
        name - the name of the field
        millis - the date and time in milliseconds
      • gotString

        void gotString​( name,
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.STRING value.
        name - the name of the field
        value - the field's value
      • gotSymbol

        void gotSymbol​( name,
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.SYMBOL value.
        name - the name of the field
        value - the field's value
      • gotRegex

        void gotRegex​( name,
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION value.
        name - the name of the field
        pattern - the regex pattern
        flags - the optional flags for the regular expression
        MongoDB documentation
      • gotTimestamp

        void gotTimestamp​( name,
                          int time,
                          int increment)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.TIMESTAMP value.
        name - the name of the field
        time - the time in seconds since epoch
        increment - an incrementing ordinal for operations within a given second
        MongoDB documentation
      • gotObjectId

        void gotObjectId​( name,
                         ObjectId id)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.OBJECT_ID value.
        name - the name of the field
        id - the object ID
      • gotDBRef

        void gotDBRef​( name,
                      ObjectId id)
        Invoked when BSONDecoder encountered a BsonType.DB_POINTER type field in a byte sequence.
        name - the name of the field
        namespace - the namespace to which reference is pointing to
        id - the if of the object to which reference is pointing to
      • gotBinaryArray

        void gotBinaryArray​( name,
                            byte[] data)
        this method is no longer called by the decoder
        This method is not used.
        name - the name of the field
        data - the field's value
      • gotBinary

        void gotBinary​( name,
                       byte type,
                       byte[] data)
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.BINARY value. Note that binary values have a subtype, which may determine how the value is processed.
        name - the name of the field
        type - one of the binary subtypes: BsonBinarySubType
        data - the field's value
      • gotUUID

        void gotUUID​( name,
                     long part1,
                     long part2)
        Called when reading a field with a value. This is a binary value of subtype BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY
        name - the name of the field
        part1 - the first part of the UUID
        part2 - the second part of the UUID
      • gotCode

        void gotCode​( name,
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT value.
        name - the name of the field
        code - the JavaScript code
      • gotCodeWScope

        void gotCodeWScope​( name,
        Called when reading a field with a BsonType.JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE value.
        name - the name of the field
        code - the JavaScript code
        scope - a document representing the scope for the code