Class Quantiles.Scale

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Quantiles.Scale
    Describes the point in a fluent API chain where only the scale (i.e. the q in q-quantiles) has been specified.
    • Method Detail

      • index

        public Quantiles.ScaleAndIndex index​(int index)
        Specifies a single quantile index to be calculated, i.e. the k in the kth q-quantile.
        index - the quantile index, which must be in the inclusive range [0, q] for q-quantiles
      • indexes

        public Quantiles.ScaleAndIndexes indexes​(int... indexes)
        Specifies multiple quantile indexes to be calculated, each index being the k in the kth q-quantile.
        indexes - the quantile indexes, each of which must be in the inclusive range [0, q] for q-quantiles; the order of the indexes is unimportant, duplicates will be ignored, and the set will be snapshotted when this method is called
        - if indexes is empty
      • indexes

        public <> indexes)
        Specifies multiple quantile indexes to be calculated, each index being the k in the kth q-quantile.
        indexes - the quantile indexes, each of which must be in the inclusive range [0, q] for q-quantiles; the order of the indexes is unimportant, duplicates will be ignored, and the set will be snapshotted when this method is called
        - if indexes is empty