Class Quantiles.ScaleAndIndex

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Quantiles.ScaleAndIndex
    Describes the point in a fluent API chain where the scale and a single quantile index (i.e. the q and the k in the kth q-quantile) have been specified.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double compute​(double... dataset)
      Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
      double compute​(int... dataset)
      Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
      double compute​(long... dataset)
      Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
      double <? extends > dataset)
      Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
      double computeInPlace​(double... dataset)
      Computes the quantile value of the given dataset, performing the computation in-place.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

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    • Method Detail

      • compute

        public double <? extends > dataset)
        Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
        dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will be cast to doubles (with any associated lost of precision), and which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
        the quantile value
      • compute

        public double compute​(double... dataset)
        Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
        dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
        the quantile value
      • compute

        public double compute​(long... dataset)
        Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
        dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will be cast to doubles (with any associated lost of precision), and which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
        the quantile value
      • compute

        public double compute​(int... dataset)
        Computes the quantile value of the given dataset.
        dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, which will be cast to doubles, and which will not be mutated by this call (it is copied instead)
        the quantile value
      • computeInPlace

        public double computeInPlace​(double... dataset)
        Computes the quantile value of the given dataset, performing the computation in-place.
        dataset - the dataset to do the calculation on, which must be non-empty, and which will be arbitrarily reordered by this method call
        the quantile value