Class CommandSucceededEvent

  • public final class CommandSucceededEvent
    extends CommandEvent
    An event representing the completion of a MongoDB database command.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandSucceededEvent

        public CommandSucceededEvent​(int requestId,
                                     ConnectionDescription connectionDescription,
                                     BsonDocument response,
                                     long elapsedTimeNanos)
        Construct an instance.
        requestId - the request id
        connectionDescription - the connection description
        commandName - the command name
        response - the command response
        elapsedTimeNanos - the non-negative elapsed time in nanoseconds for the operation to complete
    • Method Detail

      • getElapsedTime

        public long getElapsedTime​( timeUnit)
        Gets the elapsed time in the given unit of time.
        timeUnit - the time unit in which to get the elapsed time
        the elapsed time
      • getResponse

        public BsonDocument getResponse()
        Gets the response document. The document is only usable within the method that delivered the event. If it's needed for longer, it must be cloned via .
        the response document