Class UnsignedInts

  • @Beta
    public final class UnsignedInts
    Static utility methods pertaining to int primitives that interpret values as unsigned (that is, any negative value x is treated as the positive value 2^32 + x). The methods for which signedness is not an issue are in Ints, as well as signed versions of methods for which signedness is an issue.

    In addition, this class provides several static methods for converting an int to a String and a String to an int that treat the int as an unsigned number.

    Users of these utilities must be extremely careful not to mix up signed and unsigned int values. When possible, it is recommended that the UnsignedInteger wrapper class be used, at a small efficiency penalty, to enforce the distinction in the type system.

    See the Guava User Guide article on .

    Louis Wasserman
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int checkedCast​(long value)
      Returns the int value that, when treated as unsigned, is equal to value, if possible.
      static int compare​(int a, int b)
      Compares the two specified int values, treating them as unsigned values between 0 and 2^32 - 1 inclusive.
      static int  stringValue)
      Returns the unsigned int value represented by the given string.
      static int divide​(int dividend, int divisor)
      Returns dividend / divisor, where the dividend and divisor are treated as unsigned 32-bit quantities.
      static  separator, int... array)
      Returns a string containing the supplied unsigned int values separated by separator.
      static <int[]> lexicographicalComparator()
      Returns a comparator that compares two arrays of unsigned int values .
      static int max​(int... array)
      Returns the greatest value present in array, treating values as unsigned.
      static int min​(int... array)
      Returns the least value present in array, treating values as unsigned.
      static int  s)
      Returns the unsigned int value represented by the given decimal string.
      static int  string, int radix)
      Returns the unsigned int value represented by a string with the given radix.
      static int remainder​(int dividend, int divisor)
      Returns dividend % divisor, where the dividend and divisor are treated as unsigned 32-bit quantities.
      static int saturatedCast​(long value)
      Returns the int value that, when treated as unsigned, is nearest in value to value.
      static void sort​(int[] array)
      Sorts the array, treating its elements as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      static void sort​(int[] array, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
      Sorts the array between fromIndex inclusive and toIndex exclusive, treating its elements as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      static void sortDescending​(int[] array)
      Sorts the elements of array in descending order, interpreting them as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      static void sortDescending​(int[] array, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
      Sorts the elements of array between fromIndex inclusive and toIndex exclusive in descending order, interpreting them as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      static long toLong​(int value)
      Returns the value of the given int as a long, when treated as unsigned.
      static toString​(int x)
      Returns a string representation of x, where x is treated as unsigned.
      static toString​(int x, int radix)
      Returns a string representation of x for the given radix, where x is treated as unsigned.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

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    • Method Detail

      • compare

        public static int compare​(int a,
                                  int b)
        Compares the two specified int values, treating them as unsigned values between 0 and 2^32 - 1 inclusive.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

        a - the first unsigned int to compare
        b - the second unsigned int to compare
        a negative value if a is less than b; a positive value if a is greater than b; or zero if they are equal
      • toLong

        public static long toLong​(int value)
        Returns the value of the given int as a long, when treated as unsigned.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

      • checkedCast

        public static int checkedCast​(long value)
        Returns the int value that, when treated as unsigned, is equal to value, if possible.
        value - a value between 0 and 232-1 inclusive
        the int value that, when treated as unsigned, equals value
        - if value is negative or greater than or equal to 232
      • saturatedCast

        public static int saturatedCast​(long value)
        Returns the int value that, when treated as unsigned, is nearest in value to value.
        value - any long value
        2^32 - 1 if value >= 2^32, 0 if value <= 0, and value cast to int otherwise
      • min

        public static int min​(int... array)
        Returns the least value present in array, treating values as unsigned.
        array - a nonempty array of unsigned int values
        the value present in array that is less than or equal to every other value in the array according to compare(int, int)
        - if array is empty
      • max

        public static int max​(int... array)
        Returns the greatest value present in array, treating values as unsigned.
        array - a nonempty array of unsigned int values
        the value present in array that is greater than or equal to every other value in the array according to compare(int, int)
        - if array is empty
      • join

        public static   separator,
                                  int... array)
        Returns a string containing the supplied unsigned int values separated by separator. For example, join("-", 1, 2, 3) returns the string "1-2-3".
        separator - the text that should appear between consecutive values in the resulting string (but not at the start or end)
        array - an array of unsigned int values, possibly empty
      • lexicographicalComparator

        public static <int[]> lexicographicalComparator()
        Returns a comparator that compares two arrays of unsigned int values . That is, it compares, using compare(int, int)), the first pair of values that follow any common prefix, or when one array is a prefix of the other, treats the shorter array as the lesser. For example, [] < [1] < [1, 2] < [2] < [1 << 31].

        The returned comparator is inconsistent with (since arrays support only identity equality), but it is consistent with .

      • sort

        public static void sort​(int[] array)
        Sorts the array, treating its elements as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      • sort

        public static void sort​(int[] array,
                                int fromIndex,
                                int toIndex)
        Sorts the array between fromIndex inclusive and toIndex exclusive, treating its elements as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      • sortDescending

        public static void sortDescending​(int[] array)
        Sorts the elements of array in descending order, interpreting them as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      • sortDescending

        public static void sortDescending​(int[] array,
                                          int fromIndex,
                                          int toIndex)
        Sorts the elements of array between fromIndex inclusive and toIndex exclusive in descending order, interpreting them as unsigned 32-bit integers.
      • divide

        public static int divide​(int dividend,
                                 int divisor)
        Returns dividend / divisor, where the dividend and divisor are treated as unsigned 32-bit quantities.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

        dividend - the dividend (numerator)
        divisor - the divisor (denominator)
        - if divisor is 0
      • remainder

        public static int remainder​(int dividend,
                                    int divisor)
        Returns dividend % divisor, where the dividend and divisor are treated as unsigned 32-bit quantities.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

        dividend - the dividend (numerator)
        divisor - the divisor (denominator)
        - if divisor is 0
      • decode

        public static int  stringValue)
        Returns the unsigned int value represented by the given string.

        Accepts a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number given by specifying the following prefix:

        • 0xHexDigits
        • 0XHexDigits
        • #HexDigits
        • 0OctalDigits
        - if the string does not contain a valid unsigned int value
      • parseUnsignedInt

        public static int  s)
        Returns the unsigned int value represented by the given decimal string.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

        - if the string does not contain a valid unsigned int value
        - if s is null (in contrast to )
      • parseUnsignedInt

        public static int  string,
                                           int radix)
        Returns the unsigned int value represented by a string with the given radix.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

        string - the string containing the unsigned integer representation to be parsed.
        radix - the radix to use while parsing s; must be between and .
        - if the string does not contain a valid unsigned int, or if supplied radix is invalid.
        - if s is null (in contrast to )
      • toString

        public static  toString​(int x)
        Returns a string representation of x, where x is treated as unsigned.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

      • toString

        public static  toString​(int x,
                                      int radix)
        Returns a string representation of x for the given radix, where x is treated as unsigned.

        Java 8 users: use instead.

        x - the value to convert to a string.
        radix - the radix to use while working with x
        - if radix is not between and .