Class Predicates

  • @GwtCompatible(emulated=true)
    public final class Predicates
    Static utility methods pertaining to Predicate instances.

    All methods return serializable predicates as long as they're given serializable parameters.

    See the Guava User Guide article on .

    Kevin Bourrillion
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <T> Predicate<T> alwaysFalse()
      Returns a predicate that always evaluates to false.
      static <T> Predicate<T> alwaysTrue()
      Returns a predicate that always evaluates to true.
      static <T> Predicate<T> and​(Predicate<? super T>... components)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if each of its components evaluates to true.
      static <T> Predicate<T> and​(Predicate<? super T> first, Predicate<? super T> second)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if both of its components evaluate to true.
      static <T> Predicate<T> <? extends Predicate<? super T>> components)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if each of its components evaluates to true.
      static <A,​B>
      compose​(Predicate<B> predicate, Function<A,​? extends B> function)
      Returns the composition of a function and a predicate.
      static >  pattern)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the CharSequence being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern.
      static >  pattern)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the CharSequence being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern.
      static <T> Predicate<T> T target)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object being tested equals() the given target or both are null.
      static <T> Predicate<T> <? extends T> target)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object reference being tested is a member of the given collection.
      static > <?> clazz)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object being tested is an instance of the given class.
      static <T> Predicate<T> isNull()
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object reference being tested is null.
      static <T> Predicate<T> not​(Predicate<T> predicate)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the given predicate evaluates to false.
      static <T> Predicate<T> notNull()
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object reference being tested is not null.
      static <T> Predicate<T> or​(Predicate<? super T>... components)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if any one of its components evaluates to true.
      static <T> Predicate<T> or​(Predicate<? super T> first, Predicate<? super T> second)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if either of its components evaluates to true.
      static <T> Predicate<T> <? extends Predicate<? super T>> components)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if any one of its components evaluates to true.
      static <?>> <?> clazz)
      Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the class being tested is assignable to (is a subtype of) clazz.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

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    • Method Detail

      • not

        public static <T> Predicate<T> not​(Predicate<T> predicate)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the given predicate evaluates to false.
      • and

        public static <T> <? extends Predicate<? super T>> components)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if each of its components evaluates to true. The components are evaluated in order, and evaluation will be "short-circuited" as soon as a false predicate is found. It defensively copies the iterable passed in, so future changes to it won't alter the behavior of this predicate. If components is empty, the returned predicate will always evaluate to true.
      • and

        public static <T> Predicate<T> and​(Predicate<? super T>... components)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if each of its components evaluates to true. The components are evaluated in order, and evaluation will be "short-circuited" as soon as a false predicate is found. It defensively copies the array passed in, so future changes to it won't alter the behavior of this predicate. If components is empty, the returned predicate will always evaluate to true.
      • and

        public static <T> Predicate<T> and​(Predicate<? super T> first,
                                           Predicate<? super T> second)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if both of its components evaluate to true. The components are evaluated in order, and evaluation will be "short-circuited" as soon as a false predicate is found.
      • or

        public static <T> <? extends Predicate<? super T>> components)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if any one of its components evaluates to true. The components are evaluated in order, and evaluation will be "short-circuited" as soon as a true predicate is found. It defensively copies the iterable passed in, so future changes to it won't alter the behavior of this predicate. If components is empty, the returned predicate will always evaluate to false.
      • or

        public static <T> Predicate<T> or​(Predicate<? super T>... components)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if any one of its components evaluates to true. The components are evaluated in order, and evaluation will be "short-circuited" as soon as a true predicate is found. It defensively copies the array passed in, so future changes to it won't alter the behavior of this predicate. If components is empty, the returned predicate will always evaluate to false.
      • or

        public static <T> Predicate<T> or​(Predicate<? super T> first,
                                          Predicate<? super T> second)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if either of its components evaluates to true. The components are evaluated in order, and evaluation will be "short-circuited" as soon as a true predicate is found.
      • equalTo

        public static <T>  T target)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object being tested equals() the given target or both are null.
      • instanceOf

        public static > <?> clazz)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object being tested is an instance of the given class. If the object being tested is null this predicate evaluates to false.

        If you want to filter an Iterable to narrow its type, consider using Iterables.filter(Iterable, Class) in preference.

        Warning: contrary to the typical assumptions about predicates (as documented at Predicate.apply(T)), the returned predicate may not be consistent with equals. For example, instanceOf(ArrayList.class) will yield different results for the two equal instances Lists.newArrayList(1) and Arrays.asList(1).

      • subtypeOf

        public static <?>> <?> clazz)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the class being tested is assignable to (is a subtype of) clazz. Example:
         List<Class<?>> classes = Arrays.asList(
             Object.class, String.class, Number.class, Long.class);
         return Iterables.filter(classes, subtypeOf(Number.class));
        The code above returns an iterable containing Number.class and Long.class.
        20.0 (since 10.0 under the incorrect name assignableFrom)
      • in

        public static <T> <? extends T> target)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the object reference being tested is a member of the given collection. It does not defensively copy the collection passed in, so future changes to it will alter the behavior of the predicate.

        This method can technically accept any Collection<?>, but using a typed collection helps prevent bugs. This approach doesn't block any potential users since it is always possible to use Predicates.<Object>in().

        target - the collection that may contain the function input
      • compose

        public static <A,​B> Predicate<A> compose​(Predicate<B> predicate,
                                                       Function<A,​? extends B> function)
        Returns the composition of a function and a predicate. For every x, the generated predicate returns predicate(function(x)).
        the composition of the provided function and predicate
      • containsPattern

        public static >  pattern)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the CharSequence being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern. The test used is equivalent to Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(arg).find()
        - if the pattern is invalid
      • contains

        public static >  pattern)
        Returns a predicate that evaluates to true if the CharSequence being tested contains any match for the given regular expression pattern. The test used is equivalent to pattern.matcher(arg).find()