Class AggregationBuilders

public class AggregationBuilders extends
Utility class to create aggregations.
  • Method Details

    • count

      public static  name)
      Create a new ValueCount aggregation with the given name.
    • avg

      public static  name)
      Create a new Avg aggregation with the given name.
    • weightedAvg

      public static  name)
      Create a new Avg aggregation with the given name.
    • max

      public static  name)
      Create a new Max aggregation with the given name.
    • min

      public static  name)
      Create a new Min aggregation with the given name.
    • sum

      public static  name)
      Create a new Sum aggregation with the given name.
    • stats

      public static  name)
      Create a new Stats aggregation with the given name.
    • extendedStats

      public static  name)
      Create a new ExtendedStats aggregation with the given name.
    • filter

      public static  name, QueryBuilder filter)
      Create a new Filter aggregation with the given name.
    • filters

      public static  name, FiltersAggregator.KeyedFilter... filters)
      Create a new Filters aggregation with the given name.
    • filters

      public static  name, QueryBuilder... filters)
      Create a new Filters aggregation with the given name.
    • adjacencyMatrix

      public static  name, <,​QueryBuilder> filters)
      Create a new AdjacencyMatrix aggregation with the given name.
    • adjacencyMatrix

      public static  name,  separator, <,​QueryBuilder> filters)
      Create a new AdjacencyMatrix aggregation with the given name and separator
    • sampler

      public static  name)
      Create a new Sampler aggregation with the given name.
    • diversifiedSampler

      public static  name)
      Create a new Sampler aggregation with the given name.
    • global

      public static  name)
      Create a new Global aggregation with the given name.
    • missing

      public static  name)
      Create a new Missing aggregation with the given name.
    • nested

      public static  name,  path)
      Create a new Nested aggregation with the given name.
    • reverseNested

      public static  name)
      Create a new ReverseNested aggregation with the given name.
    • geoDistance

      public static  name, GeoPoint origin)
      Create a new GeoDistance aggregation with the given name.
    • histogram

      public static  name)
      Create a new Histogram aggregation with the given name.
    • geohashGrid

      public static  name)
      Create a new InternalGeoHashGrid aggregation with the given name.
    • geotileGrid

      public static  name)
      Create a new InternalGeoTileGrid aggregation with the given name.
    • significantTerms

      public static  name)
      Create a new SignificantTerms aggregation with the given name.
    • significantText

      public static  name,  fieldName)
      Create a new SignificantTextAggregationBuilder aggregation with the given name and text field name
    • dateHistogram

      public static  name)
      Create a new DateHistogramAggregationBuilder aggregation with the given name.
    • range

      public static  name)
      Create a new Range aggregation with the given name.
    • dateRange

      public static  name)
      Create a new DateRangeAggregationBuilder aggregation with the given name.
    • ipRange

      public static  name)
      Create a new IpRangeAggregationBuilder aggregation with the given name.
    • terms

      public static  name)
      Create a new Terms aggregation with the given name.
    • percentiles

      public static  name)
      Create a new Percentiles aggregation with the given name.
    • percentileRanks

      public static  name, double[] values)
      Create a new PercentileRanks aggregation with the given name.
    • medianAbsoluteDeviation

      public static  name)
      Create a new MedianAbsoluteDeviation aggregation with the given name
    • cardinality

      public static  name)
      Create a new Cardinality aggregation with the given name.
    • topHits

      public static  name)
      Create a new TopHits aggregation with the given name.
    • geoBounds

      public static  name)
      Create a new GeoBounds aggregation with the given name.
    • geoCentroid

      public static  name)
      Create a new GeoCentroid aggregation with the given name.
    • scriptedMetric

      public static  name)
      Create a new ScriptedMetric aggregation with the given name.
    • composite

      public static  name, <CompositeValuesSourceBuilder<?>> sources)
      Create a new CompositeAggregationBuilder aggregation with the given name.