注释类型 Activate

  • ()
    public @interface Activate
    Activate. This annotation is useful for automatically activate certain extensions with the given criteria, for examples: @Activate can be used to load certain Filter extension when there are multiple implementations.
    1. group() specifies group criteria. Framework SPI defines the valid group values.
    2. value() specifies parameter key in URL criteria.
    SPI provider can call ExtensionLoader.getActivateExtension(URL, String, String) to find out all activated extensions with the given criteria.
    SPI, URL, ExtensionLoader
    • 可选元素概要

      修饰符和类型 可选元素 说明
      [] after
      Relative ordering info, optional
      [] before
      Relative ordering info, optional
      [] group
      Activate the current extension when one of the groups matches.
      int order
      Absolute ordering info, optional
      [] value
      Activate the current extension when the specified keys appear in the URL's parameters.